Frquently Asked Questions

Got a question? We've got answers!

General inquiries

What's the difference between VPS and VDS?

The difference between a VPS and VDS is simple. A VDS instance takes up the entire server whereas a VPS is a server configured to host multiple server instances. The VDS configuration essentially gives you the dedicated resources of a server. A dedicated server is a server that's literally dedicated to you and no one else.

What is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)?

Remote desktop protocol (RDP) is a secure network communications protocol developed by Microsoft. It enables you to get a remote access to your VDS. RDP clients are available for most versions of Windows as well as for macOS, Linux, Unix, Google Android and Apple iOS. An open source version is also available.

If i feel i need more resources, can i upgrade to a better plan?

Absolutely – simply click the 'upgrade' button in your control panel to upgrade your plan at any time. We'll take care of the rest, including calculating any applicable discounts based on your remaining plan days.

What does the telegram bot do?

Our telegram bot makes it easy to manage your server(s) from within the telegram app – no need to log in to the site. And, you can enable notifications to stay up to date on the go.

What is the reseller panel?

The reseller panel is a child panel of this site that you can use to create subusers and give them access to manage their servers, without having to share access to the main site. It's unbranded, so you don't have to give this site away.

Since when does RED VDS offer services?

RED VDS was first founded in 2017 and operated on discord, icq and telegram. In 2019, We launched our first website. Since then, we have been working hard to bring you the best in the market!

What OS do you currently offer on your servers?

In the panel, we offer a wide range of windows servers and linux distributions. Please note that orders for linux distros require approval before they can be placed.

Do you offer an Anti-DDoS on your servers?

We do! In fact all our servers are protected by a pro Anti-DDoS solution offered by our trusted partners.

Do I get Administrator access with my server?

Yes, you get root access on all your servers.

Do you overload your servers?

Unlike our competitors, we do not overload our nodes. We make sure everyone gets their assigned resources.

What location are you currently offering on your servers?

We offer servers located in Canada, USA, France, Netherlands, Germany, Singapore and the UK.

Are ports open on servers?

All ports are open on our servers, but you'll need to allow some through the firewall.

Where can I get support?

You get expedite support inside the panel, or you can contact our email [email protected]

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  • Fast
  • Dedicated
  • Reliable
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